Sex toys are no longer considered just for women who have trouble reaching orgasm or singles without a partner. As people from all walks of life become increasingly sex-positive and open-minded, they’re also discovering that adult toys make incredible additions to absolutely anyone’s sex life. In other words, you don’t have to need a sex toy to benefit from one.
No one toy is strictly for men or women, either. Technically speaking, all adult toys are unisex and can be enjoyed by people of any gender. What matters is how well the toy you pick suits your unique anatomy and delivers the types of sensations you like most, especially if you’re trans, genderqueer, or otherwise non-binary. The following are just a few particularly trans-friendly options to consider adding to your collection.
Whether you’re trans yourself or in a relationship with someone who is, toys are one of the most satisfying ways to make sex thrilling, hot, and exciting for everyone involved. Explore the possibilities today! You’ll be glad you did.